

Bienvenue aux nouveaux stagiaires !!

Posted 18 April 2024
Welcomen to Noah, Tom and Nicolas who have joined the NGO on Monday. They come from the Excelia Business School in Paris. They will be with us until July 5th. Welcome boys !

Pizzaiolo pendant l'activité relais

Posted 15 April 2024
When our children improvise a pizzaiolo activity on the beach while others do a relay race. . . Lire la suite
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Moment proverbial

Posted 12 April 2024
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, but also to those who prepare children to make them come true. ” Eleonore Roosvelt On the picture : Rakel ; Ethan ; Elorie.

Le premier parcours du Trail des Anges du Soleil !

Posted 10 April 2024
Here is the first route: the family route, to come and run with your loved ones. It is 5 km long, so you can see its route. We look forward to seeing you again ! Come with your family, your friends, your loved ones !!
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Le Trail des Anges du Soleil se passe a Riverland !

Posted 05 April 2024
The Trail des Anges du Soleil 2024 will take place on May 19 at Riverlands Stadium. Thank you to our valued partner RM club for making their stadium and infrastructure available for our fundraising event. Let's make this an unforgettable day ! We look forward to seeing many of you, full of. . . Lire la suite
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Happy Easter! Joyeuse Paques!

Posted 04 April 2024
Happy Easter to all! We organized an egg hunt on Tamarin beach, the kids were running around looking for the chocolates ( a little melted. . . ) It was also Manon's last day, she's going back to France to Marseille. Thank you so much, Manon, for your commitment to Les Anges du Soleil.
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The trail is back! Trail des Anges du Soleil 2ème édition !

Posted 02 April 2024
Mark your calendars!! The second edition of the Trail des Anges du Soleil will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2024. This year we are offering two distances: - A 5-kilometre family friendly course - A 12-kilometre course with obstacles, for the more athletic kind. After the effort, you will. . . Lire la suite

Nouveaux tabliers et torchons pour la cantine solidaire

Posted 29 March 2024
Many thanks to Philippe who donated some lovely aprons and tea towels for our solidarity canteen project, launched a few weeks ago. . Our cooks are delighted
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Un grand merci !

Posted 27 March 2024
Many thanks to Florent Sinama Pongole, Ludovic Giuly, Gaël Givet, Robin Haziza, Adrien Maigret and all the auction's organizers. Your help is essential to us and what you've done for Anges du Soleil is just incredible!
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Chasse aux trésors, la suite !

Posted 22 March 2024
Following the treasure hunt, we organized a snack offered by the interns in honor of Camille's departure. We all played together on the beach under the sunset, they are very nice memories ! Thank you Camille for your investment in the Angels, your joie de vivre and your beautiful smile. . . Have. . . Lire la suite
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Chasse aux trésors

Posted 19 March 2024
We organized a treasure hunt in Tamarin. We worked with registrations to keep things organized. The children loved it and found a lovely treasure: lollipops!
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Création d'une cantine solidaire par la coopérative ANSAM

Posted 07 March 2024
The ANSAM cooperative has created a solidarity canteen project. The project aim to provide home-cooked meals prepared by the women of  ANSAM. As for now, the project is responsible for providing meals to a nursery, a kindergarten and a primary school. Stay tuned, we will be introducing you. . . Lire la suite

Les stagiaire a bocage international school

Posted 05 March 2024
Our interns Manon and Camille were at Bocage International School's for a speed dating event. They introduced the NGO to students at the school who might be interested in volunteering their time in our various actions. Thanks to the school, the students and the girls for this morning!

Jeux en equipe

Posted 04 March 2024
We organized team games at the Tamarin football stadium. Congratulation to Camille's team who won the day! It was very hot and we did a lot of running, so breaks to drink water were much appreciated.
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Gouter Ananas

Posted 01 March 2024
A big thank you to the pineapple vendor at the Cabri bus stop for donating a dozen pineapples to us ! Joël and Josue took care to prepare them before the activity to share with all their comrades. A very nice gesture that delighted many a gourmand !
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